2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Singles ceremony / Ceremoniál po finále dvojhry

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Eva Lys's interview after she won the singles title in Trnava

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Rozhovor s Karolínou Schmiedlovou po prehre vo finále dvojhry

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Doubles Ceremony - Ceremoniál po finále štvorhry

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Rozhovor s Rebeccou Šramkovou po zisku titulu vo štvorhre

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Eva Lys's interview after she advanced to the singles final

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Anna Karolína Schmiedlová v rozhovore po postupe do finále dvojhry

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Caty Mcnally's interview after she advanced to the singles semifinal
