2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Rozhovor s Luciou Havlíčkovou po postupe do semifinále dvojhry

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Rozhovor s Annou Karolínou Schmiedlovou po postupe do semifinále dvojhry

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Rebecca Šramková v rozhovore po postupe do semifinále štvorhry a štvrťfinále dvojhry

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: V. Diatchenko's interview after she advanced to the quarterfinals

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Rozhovor s Karolínou Schmiedlovou po postupe do 2. kola dvojhry

1st W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022 Katie Swan's interview after she won 60K singles title in Trnava

1st W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Singles ceremony, Katie Swan won the tile

1st W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022 Doubles winners, interview with Maia Lumsden & Mariam Bolkvadze
